Brandon & Jamie engagement

I have known Brandon since 2012 when we worked together and he has become like a brother to me. If you know Brandon you know he has the heart of gold, but is a pretty private person. When he told me in spring of 2021 that he met Jamie I was SO excited for him!!

I met Jamie a few times over the next few months and I could tell that he had found his person. On March 30, 2022 Brandon sent me a picture of a ring!! I had ALL the questions, but then big one was "when?!" he was planning to do it in May and asked if I could be there to photograph it, ummm... DUH!

Jamie's family has a band (that is REALLY good!) and they play at a lake property every summer- Brandon's plan was to propose at the lake with all of her family and close friend there.

When Brandon is excited about something he can't wait to make it happen, so I thought 'there is no way he's waiting until May, he's going to text me and say that he just did it last night on a whim' lol when May got closer the weather was not looking good, and it ended up having to move (he still hadn't just done it and I was shocked!)... He ended moving the proposal to June 25th, 2022. I was super bummed that I couldn't be there, but I was super excited when he sent me the link to her saying YES!!

Less than a week later they asked me if I would be up for taking a few engagement photos (she wasn't expecting the proposal at that moment so she was wearing a bathing suit with an oversized bright blue t shirt on lol)- and of course I was up for it! We met in a grocery store parking lot and adventured together, found some wild flowers (Jamie's favorite) and then some beautiful canola fields. Engagement photos at golden hour will forever be my favorites! Scroll to enjoy!