About Me

Hi, I'm Paige!

I have loved photography since I was 6 years old when my mom introduced me to the dark room and developing film & printing photos by hand. fast forward a few decades, and I get to do this for my actual job!!

-Like, what?! If told 6 year old me, she would be bouncing off the walls!!-

I live WA - I love to travel & take photos everywhere I go. I have been married to an amazingly supportive man for the past 11 years, and have the most perfect dog (Rey) that we inherited 2 years ago :)

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I will never forget how mesmerizing it was seeing photos come alive in front of me... It was the first time I felt the magic, when I felt like I could do anything, capture any moment in time and it never be forgotten. I love it when a similar feeling comes back- when I deliver a gallery of images for the amazing people I get to work with daily. The process is obviously different now, but taking a photo then working on it in a way that creates a timeless moment frozen for the people I work with, that magic, it's undeniable.

After high school I worked for two different photographers, one of which was Alison Clinton. Alison was the best mentor a girl could wish for. In 2010 I moved to Spokane, WA to go to Photography School at Spokane Falls Community College. I continued to work full-time in food service while going to photo school. After school I worked in banking in downtown Spokane. After having a full time job and taking photos as a "side hustle" I decided that I wanted to dive in full-time to photography- I talked to my friend, Brandon, about upgrading my camera gear, and he talked me into switching to Sony. Listening to him was the best decision I have made in years!! My goal was to do everything the "right" way. to focus on my business (while still being a full time branch manager of a bank) then quit at the end of 2023.

Then, in December of 2021 my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and died 3 weeks later in January of 2022 at 57. My mom, my sister (Chloe) and my grandma were the most creative women that I have ever known. In SO many ways, I was lost without my mom. I took several weeks off work and focused on my mental health. I decided on my leave that I would hustle harder and leave my job in December 2022 (a year before planned). The people I worked with were so kind and supportive while I was gone, I have never felt so supported while I tried to get my head back on track. Then on March 1st, I returned to work. I met with my boss and just cried. I realized that life is too short, I needed to take a chance on me and I put in my notice the next day (after getting 1000000% support from my partner).

April 1st, 2022 was my first day as a full time photographer, and I'm not looking back!!!

One of my favorite memories as a child was flipping through photo albums with my mom while she would tell me stories about moments in her & our lives. In early 2024 I was trying to find something in an album of her's and I found a note from my mom saying that her brother, Jeff, called her "the keeper of the pictures." and one of my good friends, Brooke (Brooke Duclos Photography, she's incredible, check her out!!), encouraged me to get that quote tattooed on me (left).

Every day I think about how this moment in our lives is temporary and how I feel honored to document every single memory that I am able to. Thank you for reading my story and for being interested in the work that I do, I wouldn't be where I am without people just like you believing in me and trusting me to capture your moments <3




“We have had nothing but positive experiences with Paige! Her creativity and ease behind the camera made us SO comfortable, and our pictures reflect it! Not only did Paige spend more than an hour with us just chatting, getting to know us, and taking genuine interest in our wedding and our love while we were choosing photographers, but also got together on two separate days for our engagement session to ensure that we got all of the locations we wanted!! The pictures are INCREDIBLE and we're so grateful...”

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